PJRFSI White Papers
Welcome to PJRFSI’s library of White Papers, a collection of free informative resources! Covering topics across a variety of information, we intend this collection of documents to offer insight for everyone. If you’d like to see a whitepaper on a specific topic or have ideas for other resources, we’d love to hear from you! We’re constantly looking for new ideas – submit yours via email to [email protected].
Strengthening Organic Enforcement: An Overview
Navigating Cannabis Packaging and Labeling Regulations
Cannabis and Hemp Product Recalls – What To Expect?
BRCGS Food Safety Issue 9: What You Need To Know?
California Department of Agriculture (CDFA) & Animal Care: An Introduction
cGMP Certification In Cannabis – What’s The Fuss?
Food Contamination – How Do Your Detection Measures Measure Up?
Listeria: Protecting Consumer Health & Peace of Mind
Organic Certification –
Do You Qualify?
Antimicrobial Resistance
GACP & GMP Certifications
in the Cannabis Industry
CBD – Looking Toward
The Future
Effective Food Industry
Risk Management
Improving Food Safety through
GFSI Third Party Certification
Food Fraud: A Complex Issue
for Complex Supply Chains
Inspiring Food Safety Culture:
Cultivating Consistency
SCM – A Winning Strategy for Risk Management
Food Safety Culture –
Why does it Matter?
Safe Food Storage –
Where to Start?